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Welcome to the Enchanted Planet!

Enchanted Planet Blog

What’s new on this Enchanted Planet?

As my life evolves, so must my blog!

I don’t know about you, but the older I get the more I understand what the heck I’m doing here on this planet. And I guess I can now qualify as “old,” LOL.

In a way I always knew my what my purpose was, but it was always hard to grasp or describe it, even to myself. I was never able to put it into words until recently.

I’ve been playing around with my “marketing” bio as a way to clarify what I am up to and what I have to share with the world. Here’s my latest version:

Bernadette leads you on magical adventures guaranteed to transform and uplift your life. She invites you to step into the New Earth reality on our enchanted planet NOW – where prosperity and thriving in harmony with all life is the new normal.

A gliimpse of our enchanted planet - Into the Hollow Hills © Bernadette Wulf
Into the Hollow Hills © Bernadette Wulf

As a New Earth ambassador, Bernadette is passionate about protecting the environment, fostering the well-being of all life, exploring creative expression and activating the magical manifestation of all your dreams coming true. She has decades of experience teaching Law of Attraction, Whole Plant Foods Nutrition and Energy Healing as well as sharing Celtic faery magic through her Faehallows School of Magic courses and live events.

Have you ever written your own bio blurb?

It is an interesting process. Kind of embarrassing for those of us who were taught not to “toot our own horn.” How do you share your passion and expertise without sounding like a braggart?

I suggest giving it a try. You may learn a lot about yourself.

In fact, I’d love to read what you come up with — Email Bernadette Wulf

Anyway, in a nutshell, I’m here to activate the New Earth. How about you?

I’m guessing you are here for a similar reason, or you wouldn’t be reading this page. My plan and my hope is to share glimpses of the New Earth here in this blog… by sharing my art, channeled messages and anything else that feels appropriate to the New Earth subject.

My next post will be sharing a shamanic journey I took to the New Earth on our enchanted planet.

You may find some helpful tips in it!
