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My Gaian/Faery Congress Workshop

Enchanted Planet Blog

My Gaian/Faery Congress Workshop is Coming Up Soon!

The Gaian Congress is an online version of the annual in-person Faery and Human Relations Congress. It grew out of the Faery Congress when the “pandemic” hit and in-person events were shut down. That is great news for those who are not able to travel to Oregon for the live event.

Both of these events have been a profound source of inspiration and connection for many people around the world. They bring together speakers and attendees from all corners of the globe, sharing a common passion for Earth, nature spirits, faeries, living creatures, and our collective future.

And guess what! I’ve been invited to be one of the workshop leaders this year.

Faery Congress workshop - Faeries & the New Earth

My Faery Congress Workshop Details

March Workshop, Saturday March 18th 10am PST: Faeries of Avalon and the New Earth with Bernadette Wulf – you can learn more and sign up here –

It will go for about an hour and a half and there will be a recording – and it’s only $35!

The Gaian Congress

One of the most exciting aspects of the online Gaian Congress is the range of speakers who are featured. From scientists to spiritual leaders, artists to activists, the Congress showcases a diverse range of perspectives on the natural world and our place within it.

These speakers share their expertise and experiences in a variety of ways, from keynote addresses to panel discussions, workshops to performances. They offer insights into cutting-edge research, ancient wisdom, and innovative practices that promote sustainability, justice, and healing for our planet.

Earth, Moon, Star © Bernadette Wulf
Earth, Moon, Star © Bernadette Wulf

The online format has allowed for greater accessibility and inclusivity, as people from all over the world can participate in the Congress from the comfort of their own homes. This has also led to increased collaboration and connection between individuals and groups who share a common goal of creating a more just and sustainable world through co-creation with our faery allies.

The Gaian Congress online has also provided opportunities for interactive engagement, such as breakout sessions and networking events. This allows participants to connect with each other and share their own experiences, insights, and questions.

The Faery & Human Relations Congress

This year, the 23rd in-person Fairy Congress will be happening near Salem, Oregon on July 20-24, 2023.

The Faery Congress is a celebration of life, love, and all things magical. It is a place where people come together to share their stories, experiences, and knowledge with one another – a safe and supportive space where you can be your true self, free from judgements of disbelievers.

Listen to my free World of Wonder workshop as a great way to start connecting with the faeries right away.