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Healing the Human-Faery Disconnection!

Enchanted Planet Blog

Healing the Disconnection Between Humans and Faeries: A Call to Reconnect with Magic!

Today, I want to talk about a topic that has been close to my heart for many years: the disconnection between humans and faeries – this includes the Sidhe and Elves as well as the beings of the nature realms known as nature spirits.

In this fast-paced and technology-driven world, it’s easy to forget about the magic that surrounds us and to lose touch with the Sidhe or faeries and nature spirits that inhabit the earth in a slightly higher dimension than ours.

But why, you may ask, is it important to reconnect with faeries and nature spirits?

For one thing, these beings play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and harmony of our planet. They are the guardians and caretakers of the natural world and they have much to teach us about living in harmony with the earth and each other.

Unfortunately, our modern way of life has created a barrier between us and the faeries and nature spirits. We spend most of our time indoors, surrounded by screens and technology, and most of us have lost touch with the beauty and magic that can be found in the nature.

This disconnection has resulted in many people feeling depressed and unfulfilled, longing for something more. As John Matthews put it, “we grow sick in soul.”

“Without the communion and otherworldly exchange between faery and our own world, we grow sick in soul.” – John Matthews

That’s where faeries and nature spirits come in.

These etherial beings have the power to connect us with the magic of nature and help us rediscover our connection with the earth. They can teach us about the beauty and power of the natural world and help us tap into the magic that surrounds us.

Reconnecting with Faeries and Nature Spirits

So, how can we reconnect with faeries and nature spirits? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Edge of the Wild © Bernadette WulfSpend time in nature: Take a walk in the woods, visit a park, or simply sit outside and soak up the beauty of the natural world. This will help you tap into the magic of the earth and start to feel its healing energy.
  2. Connect with the elementals: Spend time connecting with each of the elements – earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. This will help you feel more connected to the natural world and the elemental beings that inhabit it.
  3. Work with faeries and nature spirits: You can call upon faeries and nature spirits for guidance and support by creating an altar or sacred space in your home or garden: lighting candles, and leaving offerings of flowers, food and drink, or crystals. Over time you may find that one or more of these beings will learn to trust and befriend you. Imagine you are trying to connect with a wild animal that has no reason to trust you. It is a trust that must be earned.
  4. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool for connecting with the magic of nature. Take time each day to meditate, practice yoga, or simply be still and quiet. Faeries and nature spirits are attracted to a quiet and calm mind.

By reconnecting with nature and the beings that inhabit it, you can tap into the magic and power of the natural world and rediscover your connection with the earth and your own soul. This will help you live a more fulfilling and harmonious life, filled with joy, peace and wonder.

I encourage you to take a step back from the distractions of modern life and rediscover the magic that surrounds you. Some faeries and nature spirits are willing to guide and teach you, and the natural world has much to offer. Embrace the magic and reconnect with nature today!

five rituals to make your life more magical!Note: Though nature spirits are often called faeries, I use the word “faeries” to mean the Sidhe or Elven race of our ancient cousins who split off from humans when humanity entered the physical world.

The elementals (beings of earth, air, fire, water and ether) are part of the realm of nature spirits.

Other nature spirits include devas of all things: plants, stones, mountains, rivers, oceans and every other aspect of nature, including the parts of nature that humans have turned into things like computers, buildings and automobiles.

There are all sorts of shapes and sizes of nature spirits, from tiny sprites to titanic giants and everything in between, including dragons, unicorns, brownies, leprechauns and more than I could ever name.

Plus, they are all shape-shifters who can appear as any size and shape they choose. Learn to recognize them by their feeling signature.

Find out more about faeries and nature spirits at my website.

Art © Bernadette Wulf