Call in the Pure Fresh Air!
A couple of weeks ago in one of my faery workshop shamanic journeys, we went into the faery realm and visited the templates of the New Earth to experience the pure fresh air and beauty that is awaiting us as we ascend. One student was delighted to find that she could breathe easier there.
That made me wonder why we don’t call in that pure air, crystal clear water and rich fertile soil right now in our daily lives. Well, maybe you do, but I hadn’t thought of it before.
After all, the purity of the reborn Earth or Tara already exists in the etheric dimension at just a bit faster vibration than our physical plane.
We simply have to raise our vibration and reach “through the veil” to bring that perfection into our own experience. And the more we do it, the less we are stuck in the density of 3D reality.
It’s magic, of course! And magic is what the New Earth is all about as we move into a more expansive and higher version of ourselves. You really can create your own reality!
Prints of Earth, Moon, Star available HERE
Call in the Light!
And then I thought about how so many people who have near death experiences (NDEs) report a sense of going into the light. But why wait until death? Why not call the light into our lives right now and experience all that bliss and mind expanding revelation even while we are still in our physical bodies?
I don’t think we are here to wait and see what will happen, or wait for some savior to come along and rescue us from the mess we’ve made. I think “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for,” as the Hopi prophecy says.
We are the ones who call in the New Earth reality, each in our own way.
How Do You Want Your Reality to Look?
- What do you want to include in your world?
- Does it include fresh air? Call it in.
- Is the water pure and the soil free of chemicals? Call it. Make it your reality.
The elementals are listening!
Air wants to be clean and fresh. Water wants to be pure. Earth wants to be fertile.
Now is your chance to shape the next reality you move into. Do you have a clear idea what you want? Visualize it and it will come.
Something to think about!
Create your own reality with the templates of the New Earth in Camelot!
And before I go, don’t miss my next guided shamanic journey workshop, happening Saturday June 17 live on Zoom.
We will be exploring the legend of King Arthur, Guinevere and the magic of Camelot that planted seeds of the New Earth in the collective consciousness of humanity.
Check for more upcoming workshops here
New Earth Ambassador
Sharing Health, Wealth & Faery Magic to Uplift the World!
What I love best is activating the New Earth reality — a reality of harmony, cooperation and prosperity for all. I call it the New Camelot!
When I discovered how to move beyond the challenges of living in the 3D Matrix, I realized I had found something far more valuable than money or worldly success.
Since then I’ve been creating courses, workshops and blog posts to support people like you in your quest for vibrant health, abundant wealth and the uplifting magic of the faery realm.
I am passionate about protecting Nature, teaching people about healthy whole plant foods, artistic creativity, connecting with the faery realm, Celtic and Arthurian lore, writing, painting, family and gardening.